
[Technology] Laptops Go On Sperm Killing Rampage

Men who use laptops could be risking their fertility, a US study warns. Heat from the processor can cause the temperature of the testes to rise almost three degrees, more than enough to damage sperm, the research reveals. In a related note, The Register has also reported that, according to Hungarian scientists, mobile phones rot your balls. Of course this presupposes that anyone with multiple electronic devices attached to their crotch is even interested in having sex to begin with. Unless, of course, this is their idea of sex ..... okay, now I get it. Let's move on.

Also, a team of US scientists has created viable monkey sperm in mice, using transplanted testicular tissue. "Amusing as the image of a mouse with monkey balls on its back is, the research is being done for a purpose, not just the entertainment of the faculty staff." Not just? You mean, this isn't anything like an episode of South Park?


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